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June 2003. 53 minutes long.
Written and performed by myself.
Directed by James Manser.
Also featuring Jean Dixon, Jeanne Garrier, 

Sarah McCarthy and Veren Grigorov on violin.
Filmed by Michael Graham.

Ann-Marie Nolan, Denis Beaubois

and Dharmamati also videoed on the night.

Many thanks to all you guys.

This performance began with me mopping and miming to Simon and Garfunkle's Sounds of Silence. I have cut that out but, never fear! There is more Simon and Garfunkel in the show, so you won't miss out.

I hadn’t performed for quite a while when I did this show. I more or less just hopped on stage in front of 80 people and, in a very unprofessional way, I freaked out a couple of times. What can I say? Shit happens. It’s still a good performance.


The footage pauses briefly near the end then continues.




September 2000. 43 minutes long.

Written and performed by myself.

Directed and filmed by James Manser.


The first ten minutes of this show are very slow. I had originally cut them out, but I have now added them back. I like this performance, though it does have a couple of cringe-worthy moments. But, on the whole, it’s a bit of fun. Fun and perhaps poignant – it might give you an idea of where I was in life at the time. I’ve always had friends, and friends mean the world to me, but when I was younger I was definitely a lost soul. This performance, like all of my work around this time, grew out of a lot of pain.


Still, we have to be able to laugh at ourselves, and I think I managed that. If you have the time, and the inclination, I think you will enjoy this show.  



Solo Shows

Recommended for mature audiences.

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